CERTIFIED PEER RECOVERY SPECIALIST TRAINING COURSE - COA has combined the two training courses as required by the New Jersey Addiction Certification Board to acquire your CPRS. This is a CCAR comprehensive training academy that assures a smooth transition to a new field in Recovery Coaching to help those looking to successfully sustain the recovery they embrace.Register Now

A Class You Should Not Miss!

Clarity in Life Skills was developed to address the lack
of skills in performing life’s duties. There will be times
in our life that come about that may seem
overwhelming. No one has taught us the rules of life,
or how we answer, or what develops our perceptions
that lead to our values as an individual.

City of Angels sees a great need in the Recovery
community for Life Skills. And, guess what? Dealing
with many people connected to this lifestyle, whether
they chose it or are in it because of compassion or love
for someone else, could use this clarity as well.

The treatment facilities who send their clients to this
class as part of an overall Recovery Plan know the
importance of the Recoveree being prepared for the
real world.

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